The Post-Graduate Department of History, Khallikote Unitary University, Berhampur is one of the oldest departments of the college dating back its inception to 1878 having only intermediate classes. In 1944 it had Undergraduate courses and finally, in 1992, it acquired Post Graduation teaching facilities and in 2015 M.phil. The department, right from its beginning, maintained, all along, a record of academic excellence, some of its students having been placed in various important avocations both inside and outside the state.
Course Offered:
At present the Department offers courses at the Under Graduate, Post Graduate & M.phil levels. The course structure has been designed in consonance with the U.G.C. guidelines. Special care has been taken in the preparation of the syllabus by incorporating chapters relating to the study of Regional History and Culture, Historical application in Tourism and new aspects of the national and global history. The semester system of examination has been introduced both at the Under-Graduate and Post-Graduate levels, with effect from 2007-2008 sessions. CBCS system has been introduced in UG and PG since 2015. Special care is being taken for the completion of courses in time, necessary guidance is given in project works, and seminar classes are held on every Monday and Tuesday. The Department offers new papers on Elective course titled History of India (Early Times to 1750) p-I and History of India P-II, understanding History and Culture of Odisha (1750-1950). DSE paper-I History and Culture of Odisha P.I & PI for U.G students. Syllabus of the M.phil courses has been prepared as per latest guidelines of UGC. Papers titled “Situating Women in the History & Society of India”, “Research Methodology” and “Historiography” are taught in First Semester of M.phil course along with 4 paper presentations. Second semester consists of “Dissertation”, Viva Voce & minimum 8 paper presentations.

Name: Dr. Bhabani Maharana
Designation: HOD, Assistant Professor

Name: Dr. Prasanta Narendra
Designation: Assistant Professor

Name: Ms. Swagatika Dash
Designation: Guest Faculty

Name: Ms. Swatideepa Swain
Designation: Guest Faculty